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Ada's GameDev portfolio

Untitled truck game

Simple game where you plan optimal routes for delivery trucks based on customer needs.

Map inside Blender Defining roads as paths inside Blender.

Roads extracted from GLTF file and interactable inside Bevy. A cool render of the city I generated for this project.

Untitled castle game

Castle game

Experimental raymarching renderer for Bevy.


AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 1.0 provides a nice boost to FPS.

Castle game Even with FSR, the renderer still struggles when there are too many objects.

Castle game BVH lookup was implemented to limit the amount of raymarched objects per ray. This provided a solid FPS increase.

Castle game Now we can have many towers :)


The sky simulates rayleigh scattering, inspired by this video.

The water is still work-in-progress.


Cute fox in trouble

Cute game my fiancé and I made for Ludum Dare 50

Other stuff

Oh and I also draw sometimes: A drawing of a dog